Monday, January 26, 2009

SmartChart updated : The Eclipse Version

Version 3 of the SmartChart is now available for download with the following additional features :
  1. All cells are now generated automatically once the user feeds in (a) the longitudes of the Ascendent (Lagna) and the other planets and (b) information about planets being retrograde or not -- this information should be available from any standard Ephemeris software like Junior Jyotish.
  2. The graphic horoscope chart is also generated in the South Indian, East Indian ( Bengali) and quasi North Indian format. Getting Excel to generate horoscope charts using only formulae is quite a feat. Programmers could appreciate this.
  3. There is a facility to have multiple charts ( as different sheets) in the same workbook. This will hopefully help curb the proliferation of Excel sheets in your machine.
  4. Macro-driven forms that look more sleek have been introduced to enhance the user experience -- however much more needs to be done in this area.
The following features have been retained from the earlier version
  1. SQL to create the base Kode tables and populate them with correct data -- can be generated automatically
  2. SQL to insert new charts into the MySQL database -- can be generated automatically
  3. SQL to retrieve charts that meet certain conditions -- can be generated automatically

This version is being referred to as the Eclipse Version since it has been uploaded during the Solar Eclipse in Calcutta that is happening right now.

Jai Parashar.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Using Sparse Matrices to Store Horoscope Charts

Storage and retrieval of horoscope charts in a relational database is a challenge. Yet it is imperative that we should be able to search for and retrieve charts that have things in common. This paper on Usage of Sparse Matrices to Store Horoscope Charts explains the strategy that we can follow.

I have also created a Excel based tool that allows one to capture data for a Horoscope and then generate the SQL statements required to insert and retrieve the data from a relational database.

Parashar21 : Parashar in the Twentyfirst Century

An attempt to codify the astrological wisdom of Parashar in the light of current developments in the world of digital computers.