Saturday, January 22, 2022

Migration to MongoDB

 The Parashar21 system has now been migrated to MongoDB and the results are very interesting.  We are now able to store horoscope charts as JSON objects in a MongoDB database and these objects can be accessed by values in the various fields.

For example, a query like this :

{"$and": [{"exaltG.Ju": {"$eq": true}}, {"GAspectedBy2.La": {"$in": ["Sa"]}}, {"GConjunctsG2.Su": {"$in": ["Me"]}}, {"GrahaBhava.Mo": {"$eq": 1}}, {"LordBhav.4": {"$eq": 5}}]}

which means retrieve charts that have

  1. Exalted Graha Jupiter and
  2. Lagna aspected by Saturn and
  3. Sun conjunct Mercury and
  4. Moon in 1st Bhav and
  5. Lord of 4th Bhav is in 5th Bhav

will retrieve the following TWO charts

A manual check will reveal that these charts do indeed meet the five conditions specified!
The programs for casting, storing and retrieving these charts are available in Github . A detailed paper explaining the logic behind is available at ResearchGate

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